Preview: “Adventure Time: The Four Castles”

I’m showing my bias here, 110%. I’ve avoided that for the majority of my time running this website, so you’ll have to excuse me just that once.

You see, I’m very good friends with Josh, who wrote this OGN. We’ve been friends since roughly high school, when we frequented the same anime forum. When I started up The HomeWorld, he was working on starting his career in comics. As you can tell, his career has flourished; if you haven’t checked out Love Machines, holy shit, why have you not checked out Love Machines.

I don’t know why I’ve checked out over the last few years. It’s a combination of factors; writer’s block, enthusiasm sapped by both poisonous jobs and poisonous communities, depression, etc. I started this website because I just love comics so much, and it ballooned from there. And for a few years, it was a really great thing. But life changes, and it takes it’s toll, and I’ve not really been present for a long time.

I have read comics all my life. They have been my escape. When I was being bullied because I was awkard, overweight and always, always, always the new kid, comics were a place I could escape all that and have fun. I may not have a lot of credibility left before I’m completely shot, so let me use this last bit to tell you this: buy this book. Support this wonderful person and his wonderful book from a wonderful company. I spend so much time on Twitter and on this website talking trash about terrible, overpriced horrible stories from publishers like Marvel and DC that sometimes I forget that I just love comics. And what better sums that up than a small press publisher releasing an Adventure Time book?

About Christopher Baggett

Christopher Baggett has owned and operated The HomeWorld independently since 2009 after spinning it off from his previous concept, 'The Anime Homeworld'. In addition to journalistic endeavors, he is an aspiring novelist. Arizona born military brat Christopher currently resides in the Georgia area.

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