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TRAILER: “Superman/Batman: Public Enemies”

A first look at the new trailer for “Superman/Batman: Public Enemies”.

The trailer for the next DC Animated flick, “Superman/Batman: Public Enemies” was leaked recently. All the copies of it have been pulled off of YouTube, but The HomeWorld has found it still available on a Russian video sharing site!

The trailer offers glimpses of the films leads, as well as Lex Luthor, Major Force, Black Manta, Giganta, Catman, Bane, The Composite Superman/Batman Rocket, Katana, Captain Atom, Silver Banshee, Metallo, Solomon Grundy and more, all based on Ed McGinnis’ designs.

The animated feature, which is an adaption of the Jeph Loeb penned and Ed McGinnis drawn premiere arc of the ongoing “Superman/Batman” comic book, is slated to be released sometime this Fall.

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  1. Alright! Here’s hoping the plot makes more sense than Loeb’s comic. Admit it. The plot made no sense.

    A meteor made entirely of kryptonite is flying toward the Earth, and Lex Luthor convinces the public that Superman is bringing it to Earth on purpose, even though it’d kill him to do so. And then not only does every superhero on Earth believe Luthor over Superman, but Luthor magically has the authority to command the superhero community *out of nowhere*.

    You know what? I’ll probably skip this movie.

  2. Don’t get me started on Marvel’s Dark Reign. Apparently, if Rhino had been passing by, picked up a gun, and shot the Skrull Queen first, HE’D be running the entire superhuman community in the United States. God knows that’s the only logic behind Osborn’s rise to power.

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