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The Pull List! Week of June 17, 2009

Guess what’s the biggest talk of this week’s Pull List? Here’s a hint: it starts with “E” and ends with “arly shipping for Captain America #600″…

I reformatted the computer recently, and don’t have everything back in place yet. So, no video pull list right now! We’re doing it up old school today, kids. Don’t forget, Captain America #600 comes out Monday instead of Wednesday, and just because its not on the list doesn’t mean it isn’t good.


For more information, visit this publisher at http://www.dccomics.com/

Action Comics Annual #12ACTION COMICS ANNUAL #12

Why You Should Read It: With Superman off world, the mysteries of Nightwing and Flamebird are running wild in the titles. Now, at long last, the mystery is revealed as the Action Comics Annual takes a look at the mysterious duo.

Official Solicitation: “Discover the origin of Nightwing and Flamebird! The new dynamic duo is busy rooting out General Zod’s sleeper agents in the present, but how did they find out about the sleepers in the first place? What exactly is their history with Zod? How did they meet? What is their connection to the original Nightwing and Flamebird? Find out these answers and more in this all-new annual!”

Batman: Streets of Gotham #1BATMAN: STREETS OF GOTHAM #1

Why You Should Read It: The Battle For The Cowl is over, but the aftermath has just begun! Easily one of the more promising titles to come from the event, this Paul Dini penned book is a look at Gotham City from the eyes of its citizens, as well as the new home of Kate Spencer!

Official Solicitation: “An all-new Batman series by the DETECTIVE COMICS creative team of Paul Dini and Dustin Nguyen! As a new Batman rises on the streets of Gotham City, the heroes, villains and citizens take notice. How will the police feel about this new Batman, and can he control the crime in Gotham the way the old Batman did?

This new series also features a regular ongoing co-feature starring Manhunter written by Marc Andreyko and illustrated by Georges Jeanty (Buffy Season 8)! Kate Spencer lost a friend during the chaos of BATTLE FOR THE COWL, and now she wants payback. As usual, she’ll use any means necessary to get it.”

Superman/Batman #61SUPERMAN/BATMAN #61

Why You Should Read It: One of the final adventures of the original Dark Knight told here in the conclusion to the surprising “Mash-Up” tale!

Official Solicitation: “It’s the action-packed finale of “Mash-Up”! Superman and Batman team with the Justice Titans to take down the worst villains in Gothamopolis! But who is the hidden mastermind behind this topsy-turvy world?”

Also shipping this week from DC Comics…

THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD #24 – DC’s team-up smash returns as Black Lightning and Static team up to take on the pyrokinetic Holocaust.

FINAL CRISIS AFTERMATH: DANCE #2 – What will happen to the Super Young Team now that they’ve unknowingly endorsed the deadly OXY-GEN product?

GREEN ARROW/BLACK CANARY #21 – Can Green Arrow save Star City from Discord? Maybe, but only with help from…Cupid!?

THE OUTSIDERS #19 – With half of the Outsiders captured and Deathstroke on the verge of increasing his powers, what hope is there for the new team?

POWER GIRL #2 – What secret of Power Girl’s origin has the Ultra-Humanite learned?

THE SPIRIT #30 – The Spirit finds himself caught in the middle of a war between the Yakuza and the Triad!

SUPERGIRL #42 – The explosive epilogue to “Who Is Superwoman?”!

VIGILANTE #7 – The aftermath of the Deathtrap crossover.


For more information, visit this publisher at http://www.marvel.com/

Captain America #600CAPTAIN AMERICA #600

Why You Should Read It: In the Marvel U, its the anniversary of the day Steve Rogers died. But what does this hold for the rest of the Universe? With a ship date 2 days earlier than any other comic and promises of big changes, this is poised to be the biggest Marvel comic since the death of Steve Rogers?

Official Solicitation: “Where were you when Captain America died? It’s the anniversary of the day Steve Rogers was killed, a day of reflection and mourning in the Marvel U…a time to look back on the things Steve did and what he stood for… or is this issue actually the beginning of the most wicked plot twist since issue 25? Yeah, actually it’s both. Plus, contributions from Cap creators past and present, including a very special essay by Joe Simon, a classic story from Cap’s Golden Age, a full gallery of 600 Cap covers, and more anniversary shenanigans than you can shake a shield at!”

Incognito #4INCOGNITO #4

Why You Should Read It: Its easily the most bizarre tale of Super Villains ever told, all helmed by the man has created some of the greatest Captain America stories to date.

Official Solicitation: THE MOST TWISTED SUPER-VILLAIN TALE OF ALL TIME TAKES A SHARP RIGHT TURN… AS THE HEROES FINALLY ARRIVE! Zack’s masked mayhem hasn’t gone unnoticed by the authorities or the bad guys he’s been in hiding from. Now, Zoey Zeppelin, granddaughter of the legendary Professor Zeppelin is here to find out just which side he’s on — even if she has to kill him to be sure.”

Invincible Iron Man #14INVINCIBLE IRON MAN #14

Why You Should Read It: World’s Most Wanted continues as Tony Stark, his mind failing him, must escape HAMMER and a billion dollar bounty!

Official Solicitation: “It’s the perfect jumping-on point, as the second half of WORLD’S MOST WANTED begins here! Don’t miss out on this critically acclaimed blockbuster! Tony’s failing health makes the Iron Man too complicated to pilot. Hill hunts the world’s most un-huntable man. Pepper defies Norman Osborn and H.A.M.M.E.R. itself. And all of Iron Man’s rogues’ gallery is after him and the billion-dollar bounty on his head…starting with the murderous Madame Masque! But believe it or not, there’ll soon come a time when everyone looks back on these as the good old days…”

CABLE #15 – The Messiah War continues as Apocolypse rises!

CAPTAIN BRITAN AND MI13 #14 – With MI13 in shambles, what hope is there to stop Dracula?

DARK REIGN: FANTASTIC FOUR #4 – HAMMER arrives at the Baxter Building, and the only hope to stop them is…Val and Franklin Richards?

DARK REIGN: HAWKEYE #3 – As Bullseye begins to lose his mind, how long can he continue to convince the world that he’s Hawkeye?

DARK REIGN: MISTER NEGATIVE #1 – Spider-Man’s newest villain takes center stage in this 3 part mini-series.

DARK REIGN: YOUNG AVENGERS #2 – Its the Young Avengers vs. the new Young Avengers!

DESTROYER #3 – As Destroyer comes closer to death, he must face his nemesis Scar!

MIGHTY AVENGERS #26 – This is it! The Mighty Avengers versus the Fantastic Four!

PUNISHER #6 – The Punisher faces The Hood and his Deadly Dozen!

THOR: THE TRIAL OF THOR #1 – Did Thor murder a group of Asgardians? Balder says so!

ULTIMATUM: SPIDER-MAN REQUIEM BOOK ONE #1 – Is Spider-Man dead? The answer is found in the aftermath of Ultimatum!

WAR MACHINE #7 – War Machien versus American Eagle!

WAR OF KINGS: ASCENSION #3 – Can Chris Powell save the galaxy from the might of the Darkhawks?

WOLVERINE: ORIGINS #37 – Wolverine versus Romulus!

X-MEN LEGACY #225 – The end of Professor Xavier’s legacy journey concludes!

X-MEN ORIGINS: GAMBIT #1 – Who is Remy LeBeau? This one shot explores the past of the ragin’ cajun, from villain to hero.

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