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“Marvel Divas” #1 Review

“Marvel Divas” #1 Review

Marvel Divas #1
Marvel Divas #1

Bad News On A Good Day

Writer: Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa

Artist: Tonci Zonjic

Colors: Jelena Kevic Djurdjevic & June Chung

Marvel lets the ladies have a little fun this week in Marvel Divas, a fun filled romp that ends with a surprising note. 

We were all a little skeptical at the announcement of this title, I think.  It could have easily been cheesecake art with a weak story and no point, but the first issue strives to be different.  The girls here (Monica Rambeau a.k.a. Captain Marvel, Felicia Hardy a.k.a. The Black Cat, Patsy Walker a.k.a. Hellcat and Angelica Jones a.k.a. Firestar)are instead portrayed as…shock!…actual women, with lives outside of their costumed adventures, meeting up for a drink and sharing the sordid tales of previous lovers before a bombshell is dropped on the last page.

Honestly, the story is pretty good.  Its fun and entertaining, though the last page’s surprise will probably leave you wondering what the hell just happened, and how something so fun could leave you on such a depressing note.  But its still a damn entertaining read and worth picking up.  The art chooses to pass on the obvious route of making the girls overly sexy and instead portrays them in stylized realism that works out perfectly for the story, not to mention it looks great.

Marvel Divas could have easily been a slash reader’s wet dream, but instead it comes out surprisingly honest and straightforward, with a fun, well told story and a cliffhanger that leaves you wanting more.  With that in mind, Marvel Divas gets a B.

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