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New Doctor Who “The Waters of Mars” Trailer!

The 10th Doctor’s time is coming to an end….

Eccleston was great, but David Tennant will always be “my” Doctor. And you never forget your first Doctor, right!? There’s a new trailer for the upcoming special, “The Waters of Mars”, with a lovely ending that serves to remind you that The 10th Doctor’s time is coming to an end…

Starring David Tennant, Lindsay Duncan, and featuring at least one big, huge surprise that I won’t mention on this page, “The Waters of Mars” is expected to air sometime in November.

Disclaimer 3/2011: This isn’t the trailer originally featured with this post in July of 2009; we’ve updated the post with a similar trailer for th BBC US premiere to as not to appear insane.

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  1. Is it November yet?

    Honestly don’t know why they scheduled this special so close to the two-part finale. Would have made more sense to plonk “Waters of Mars” around August-ish time.

    1. All this seems to be missing is being directed by Sam Raimi or George A. Romero.

      Also, where’s my Patrick Stewart? Isn’t he supposed to be on Who before Ten regenerates now that he’s BFFs with David Tennant?

    2. I *do* have a theory as to why it’s so close, pertaining to who’s knocking, but I won’t explain it here. DM or IM me or something and I’ll share it with you, natch.

  2. The reason they’re saving it is I can almost guarantee it’ll air during the regular BBC Children in Need telethon. They’ve had a long relationship with Doctor Who. The Five Doctors aired during it. We’ve had two small Who vignettes air, including the fantastic “Time Crash”.

    And I really do think that it’ll link in directly, almost a “To Be Continued”, with the final stories.

  3. I like to avoid spoilers for the most part, so will be avoiding stuff after The Waters of Mars. I want to know NOTHING about what’s coming. (Beyond what I already know. Like I have a fair idea of who/what is knocking at the end of the trailer.)

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