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REVIEW: “Hybrid Bastards!”

#ArchaiaWeek draws to a close! 🙁
Hybrid Bastards!

Hybrid Bastards!

Written By Tom Pinchuk

Art By Kate Glasheen

Hybrid Bastards! is one final book that came in that batch that I didn’t get the chance to review. I did make an attempt to review it, but I ran into one problem. The artwork on the book. Now, I’m not saying it’s bad; I get what Kate Glasheen is doing here, working in a style that very much emulates Classical Greek artwork. But it’s a style that’s very rough and difficult to follow at first. Once you get a feel for the art, however, I couldn’t imagine this story looking any other way. It’s a very suitable style, and highlights the absurdity of the story very well.

And hoo-boy, does absurdity describe Hybrid Bastards! to the letter. Set in a distinctly modern time, Hybrid Bastards! opens with Hera informing her husband Zeus that as retribution for his numerous affairs, she had a spell placed on him 18 years earlier to drive him into a wild, sexual lust against inanimate objects. As a result, his seed has been spread from object to object and has now matured into a variety of unnatural, hybrid bastards who are dedicated to revenge on their absentee father.

What’s I did find interesting was that the story’s prevalent wit and cynicism brought about a reminder of Kevin Maguire’s writings, with a humorous, almost self-aware humor present throughout. The story knows it can’t take itself too seriously; instead, it takes a purely absurd concept and runs with it full speed ahead. The end result is a book that honestly caught me off guard. While it may appear to be rough around the edges, fans of absurdest or bizarre humor would be well suited to give Hyrbid Bastards! a look.

That being said, if you want your own copies of HYBRID BASTARDS! or any of the Archaia Comics titles we’ve looked at this week, check back at 3PM EST today to find out how you can get your very own copy of all five titles!!

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