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Check Out The Latest Captain America Poster!

New poster hits web for upcoming superhero film.

I am, of course, looking forward to Captain America: The First Avenger. The trailers look decent, and Joe Johnston did wonders with The Rocketeer, a similarly themed period piece. But the new teaser poster, which was released today, bugs me on a couple of levels.

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I don’t get why he’s not wearing his mask. I know he’s Chris Evans, and I know that’s supposed to sell tickets, but he should be wearing his mask. Or helmet. Or whatever. What do you guys think?

FOX did a similar tactic with their Fantastic Four posters, where Evans face was always visible instead of a fully realized Human Torch on the poster. I really wish that once, just once, they would market a comic book movie with comic book movie tactics. I know a few people opined about how cool Fantastic Four or X-Men posters would be if they resembled classic cover art, and I think we’ve learned from the last few Captain America posters that that’s a great idea.

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