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The DC Reboot: Your New Justice League?

Facebook company reveals promotional art for San Diego Comic Con.

A company making promotional glasses for SDCC posted this on their Facebook yesterday; it’s a promotional piece being used to promote Justice League #1, and features a look at what would be one of the largest League rosters to date.

[singlepic id=400 w=320 h=240 float=center]

From left to right, we appear to have Deadman, The Atom, Dr. Light, Firestorm, Aquaman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Superman, Batman, The Flash, Cyborg, Green Arrow, Hawkman, Power Girl and Mera.

I’m not entirely sure about the one I claim is Power Girl. It looks like her, but currently she appears to be one of the heroes that is being “benched” for the initial wave of the reboot.

This is also our first real good look at the new costumes. So many lines everywhere! I know it’s an attempt to give the character’s an armored look, but it looks pretty terrible, and it’s very distracting in my opinion. The costumes are just way too busy now. Also, I didn’t realize until this moment how much Superman’s red underoos actually broke up the monotony of his costume.

Justice League #1 is set to launch this September. If anyone wants to snag me one of these cups at SDCC, you can e-mail me at christopher.baggett@thehomeworld.net.

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