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While You’re Out…: “Mystery Men” #1

A quick look at a book you missed last week that you should pick up today.

Mystery Men #1Mystery Men #1

Writer David Liss

Artist Patrick Zircher

Colors Andy Troy


Marvel likes to toy with it’s roots sometimes and show old school heroes. With titles like The Twelve having picked up an unprecedented success, it makes sense they would dive back into them. Enter Mystery Men, a story set in the early 30s and focusing on a group of non-powered heroes.  Focusing on Denis Piper, also known as The Operative, the book takes place in a decidedly real world (albeit, with a touch of dark magic), giving it a uniquely noir flavor without ever having to ham-handedly shove the noir concepts down your throat. The written word and the art is dripping with a one-of-a-kind style, making for an exciting story that will sadly be overlooked by many. That said, do yourself a favor and pick up this great release from last week while you’re the the local comic shop today; you won’t regret it.

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