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Check Out The New GHOST RIDER Trailer!

Upcoming sequel brings Nic Cage back to the flaming skull.

I didn’t hate the first Ghost Rider film. I didn’t love it either. It had a lot of good things, and a lot of bad things too. The trailers, though, were definitely awesome, with a sci-fi twinged western feel to them. Now we’ve got a trailer for, astonishingly, a sequel: Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance, which seems to have ditched the western feel in favor of high-octane action. Not terribly surprising, seeing as how it’s being done by Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor, who made the balls to the wall awesome Crank: High Voltage.

I’m really kind of baffled how this film gets a sequel, while the much better and more deserving Daredevil has to be rebooted. Crying shame that. But if you can handle this trailer, with Nic Cage pissing fire, then you’ll probably be excited to know that Spirit of Vengeance hits theaters February 17th, 2012, and also stars Idris Elba and Christopher Lambert.

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