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More Ridiculous: Randy Orton Does A Spinnaroonie or…

WWE post-shows might be the best thing ever.

You can tell the WWE is kind of a goofy place to work at just by reading reports and watching YouTube videos of dark matches or house shows, where you get crazy nonsense like 5 man Hell In A Cell matches or tag matches utilizing the entire roster, all in the name of sending the audience home happy. But sometimes, you get things that you just have to see to believe.

Case in point: this video, taken post taping of this week’s Friday Night Smackdown! in Liverpool. I’m still not too big on Randy Orton: he’s kind of boring to me, and his current “deranged, anger management” thing just isn’t doing it for me, but I am warming up to him after hearing reports that he took last Monday’s Muppet infused Raw off in order to take his daughter trick-or-treating.

Back to the video though, the crowd was treated to Randy Orton doing a Spinnaroonie. Well, more of an attempt, since he does half of it before flopping around and doing a jumping toe touch, leaving one to wonder what could possibly be more ridiculous. Then…well…

Yeah, you saw that right. Mark Henry came out to do a Spinnaroonie. I won’t give them grief over it though; the crowd is eating it up, and that’s what matters.

ETA: If you’re a fan of Booker in the ring, you should know that Booker’s returning to the ring on December 29th…to face Deformed Cody Rhodes for the Intercontinental Championship!

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