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Holy $^@#, The MASS EFFECT 3 Demo Is Here…

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If you’ve not played the demo for Mass Effect 3 yet, then why the hell are you still here? The final chapter in Bioware’s epic space opera is here in just under 3 weeks, and the demo is here to get you even more hyped than usual. Gonna discuss the Single Player demo a bit after the cut, so watch this short video of the intro and catch me after the jump, where spoilers may be lurking.

The opening film is pretty much fucking awesome, let’s not lie. Never expected the Reaper Invasion to start like THAT, after all. The gameplay feels a lot like Mass Effect 2’s, but definitely more fluid, and the added RPG elements to upgrades for skills (weapons will be getting those, too).

The second mission really highlights improvements to the enemy AI. Even on the Narrative setting (screw you guys, I like the story), the enemies here are much more ruthless than in the previous games. Really like the ongoing narrative here regarding the Female Krogan and an impending treaty between the Salarians and Krogan.

Overall, I’m noticing a theme between the character creation sequence and the opening of the game: Shepard is not only perceived as a crazy warmonger, but his time at war appears to finally be taking a toll on Shepard. Repeated mentions of Shepard’s psychological profile and the appearance of a weary man in the game makes me wonder if Mass Effect 3 might just end with Shepard cracking under the pressure, and perhaps gladly giving his life to save the Earth.

Definitely eager to here what you all think about the game. Leave a comment below, or send us a tweet to @thehomeworld with what you think about the upcoming release of MASS EFFECT 3!

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