Ultimate Spider-Man #6 cover art

Ultimate Spider-Man just got his superhero name and now it’s raining on my face

Ultimate Spider-Man has been an absolute highlight of Marvel’s publishing roster, Ultimate or otherwise, since it launched in January, but his month is a special occasion because he’s finally got his name.

Warning, spoilers for Ultimate Spider-Man #6 follow

Ultimate Spider-Man #6 by Jonathan Hickman and Marco Checchetto sees Spidey and Green Goblin, who up to this point have not been known as Spidey and Green Goblin, both go battle the Kingpin at long last. In true Spidey fashion, though, both get their asses absolutely handed to them.

But we’re not here to talk about that. The story sees Harry finally get his Green Goblin moniker (fittingly, from Peter, right before they get their asses kicked), and also sees Spidey finally get his superhero name. And so, absolutely appropriately, it comes courtesy of Mary Jane.

Peter reveals himself as Spider-Man to Mary Jane.
Mary Jane and Peter settle on a codename and go for a swing.

Peter and MJ are absolutely incredible in this book so far, and I’m glad the whole book is no longer going to be walking on eggshells about the will they/won’t they of MJ learning his identity.

It’s a fun twist on the old Spidey mythos, too, where MJ was originally said to have discovered Peter was Spidey on one of his first outings, watching him crawl out of the window when they were next-door neighbors. Having Mary Jane be the one to give Spider-Man his name is just perfect.

Honestly, the moment choked me up a little. The post-One More Day status quo of Peter and MJ’s strained relationship had me expecting the worst. I thought for sure that Ultimate Spider-Man was going to do the same tired old trope of having MJ walk out the door once she discovered that Peter was masquerading as a costumed crimefighter.

Ultimate Spider-Man offers an acceptance of who Peter is and what he’s doing that used to be the norm, which has been missing from even the best Spider-Man stories from the past several years. I’m so used to seeing the story be about Peter tripping over himself, trying to do the right thing, only for his personal life to implode. This is such an incredibly refreshing and welcome breath of fresh air, and I’m honestly glad it happened like this.

For what it’s worth, while I’m not necessarily in love with the current direction of Amazing Spider-Man, I’m also not as vehemently opposed to its existence as others are. I am exhausted of misery porn Spider-Man and the constant attempts to put him through the wringer, though, which is why I’m so happy to write about him having something good happen to him.

Ultimate Spider-Man #6 is available now from Marvel Comics. What did you think of the issue? Think there should be more tension? Let me know in the comments below or hit me up on social media.

About Baggee

Christopher Baggett has owned and operated The HomeWorld independently since 2009 after spinning it off from his previous concept, 'The Anime Homeworld'. In addition to journalistic endeavors, he is an aspiring novelist. Arizona born military brat Christopher currently resides in the Georgia area.