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July 3rd 2012 is AMAZING

First official look at the full AMAZING SPIDER-MAN COSTUME hits the web.

The more we see of the new Spider-Man film, the less we like about it.  There’s finally been an official annoucement today, however, firmly placing the film in a July 3rd, 2012 release date and a full title of THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (which is actually a title I was hoping they’d use for SPIDER-MAN 2), and the first official image of the full Spider-Man costume.  Of note is that the biggest complaints about the costume (the stripes running down the leg and the silver soles on the shoes) are conveniently obscured by the costume.  Intentional masking of a costume change?  Or is Sony perhaps going to digitally remove these aspects, much like the bandana that was almost featured on Daredevil’s mask in his film?

In all honesty, this is the first time I’ve seen the costume and thought it looked halfway decent.  I still have a number of reservations, but as a huge Spidey fan I’ll definitely be in the theaters opening weekend for this one.  Hopefully we’ll get a teaser trailer of some sort soon, and we’ll be able to judge if the new Spider-Man truly is Amazing, Spectacular, Sensational, etc. etc.

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  1. Personally I’m enjoying the home made look of this costume but in all honesty I’m only watching this movie for Emma Stone…

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