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The DC Reboot: “Green Lantern” Reboots, New Series Announced
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The DC Reboot: “Green Lantern” Reboots, New Series Announced

New creative teams, series and directions take over the popular franchise.

Green Lantern #1
Cover Art for Green Lantern #1

Early this morning, DC posted on their source blog information for the upcoming wave of Green Lantern reboots.  Geoff Johns remains on as writer of the main Green Lantern series, teaming with artists Doug Mahnke and Christian Alamy, with cover work by Ivan Reis and Joe Prado. Also rebooting is Green Lantern Corps, which will shift to focus on Guy Gardner, John Stewart and the remaining Lanterns, which will be written by Peter J. Tomasi with Fernado Pasarin and Scott Hanna on art chores; Mahnke and Alamy will do the cover art for #1.

While Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors seems to have been cancelled, two new series are coming out under the Green Lantern brand: Green Lantern: The New Guardians follows a new team of Lanterns composed of the entire spectrum. Most notably (and excitingly!), the team is slated to be lead by Kyle Rayner.  The series will be written by Tony Bedard, with the art and cover chores being handled by Tyler Kirkham and Batt.

Also finally launching is Red Lanterns, the long awaited Peter Milligan penned, Ed Benes & Rob Hunter illustrated series which follows the titular Corps as they battle injustice throughout the galaxy in a manner which likely involves lots of blood.

Only cover art for Green Lantern is provided at this juncture. So what do you guys think? I’m super stoked to see Kyle leading a team, and glad he’ll remain front and center of a book (for a while, at least). We’ll update with more information as it comes available.

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    1. It’s kind of pick and choose; no one is really sure yet. Green Lantern looks to be mostly okay, with the new #1’s dealing with post-“War Of The Green Lanterns” stuff, but continuity across the board will be changed in some issues. We won’t know the full details until September, when the books start releasing.

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