Derk's comic choices for the week of 2/18/2009.

Derk’s Pull List – 2/18/2009

So here we are, another week of comics. This week looks to be a fairly decent one. While my pull list certainly isn’t as detailed as Chris’s (probably want to check his out if you want full details on each comic), here it is nonetheless.

Justice League of America #30

Outsiders #15

Robin #183

Supergirl #38

Amazing Spider-Man #587

Dark Avengers #2

Ghost Rider #32 (Why I still pick this up, I have no clue)

Moon Knight #27

Spider-Man Noir #2

Uncanny X-Men #506

X-Factor #40

X-Men Legacy #221

There you have it. As I previously mentioned, this looks like a great comic week. Also previously stated, I am extremely confused as to why I still care about Ghost Rider. I haven’t enjoyed it in a very, very long time. I guess I am a glutton for punishment.

Be sure to check out Chris’s list for a more detailed description on this weeks’ comics.

About Baggee

Christopher Baggett has owned and operated The HomeWorld independently since 2009 after spinning it off from his previous concept, 'The Anime Homeworld'. In addition to journalistic endeavors, he is an aspiring novelist. Arizona born military brat Christopher currently resides in the Georgia area.

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